Sara Marsden-Shreeve

Jun 28, 2018

Sweat Patches Be Gone!

Updated: Jan 30, 2020

Wear Your Colour with Confidence

Have you ever avoided colourful clothes in fear that you could get sweat marks?

Hi everyone, I am Faye Absolom from Dandi Patch and Sara has kindly asked me if I would write a guest blog on my specialism, sweat (and how to stop it from being an embarrassing clothing problem).

I met Sara via Twitter and found that we both have very similar goals – to help people gain their confidence so that they can be the best versions of themselves and feel happy about how they look. So, my big question to you all today is, have you ever avoided colourful clothes in fear that you could get sweat marks?

If your answer is yes, then you are not alone, statistics show that over 33% of the population feel that they sweat excessively! This can have a huge effect on self-esteem and many people will eliminate wearing blues, greys, khakis and bright, bold colours in hope that the visible signs they are sweating will be less obvious.

My hope is that I can help you all put a stop to this. Wearing colourful clothes makes us feel better about ourselves and it is true what people say, red can make you feel sexy and yellow can make you happier, but only if you are confident enough to wear them. So, let’s help you build a healthy wardrobe of options so that you can always find an outfit you love! Here are my top tips:

Know the fashion industry secrets

Ever wondered how celebs always look so amazing? They are human, so surely they sweat too… right? Yes, you are right! But celebs have an entourage of people who know every fashion and beauty trick around; lucky for you we can let you into one of their secrets as we were the company who invented it, it’s the dandi patch.

The dandi patch has been used by celebrity stylists such as Alexis Knox and Gemma Sheppard. They have been in the Distinctive Assets swag bag gifted to the Oscar nominees for the past 3 years and they have been used by contestants on live reality TV shows such as The Voice. They have also been featured on ITV’s This Morning and Channel 4’s Buy It Now, to mention just a couple.

The dandi patch is an amazing new alternative to anti-perspirant. It sticks to your underarm trapping in all sweat and odour, stopping any sweat marks and preventing yellow underarm staining! Amazingly, it does all of this whilst being free from potentially dangerous aluminium and parabens which are present in most antiperspirants and deodorants. You can find out more here Psst, there's a voucher code too at the bottom of this blog.

Start with patterned prints

If you are not used to wearing colour and you feel like jumping straight in the paint pot will be too bold then why not start with some patterned or floral prints? You can then gradually start adding colour to your wardrobe.

Know what causes odour to stick around

My top two tips if you struggle with underarm odour are to remove or reduce your underarm hair, and to avoid synthetic clothing. The reason for this is because when you sweat you want the moisture to evaporate as quickly as possible. If you have a lot of underarm hair then this can prevent the evaporation from happening as sweat gets stuck amongst the armpit hair and then starts to react with the natural bacteria on you skin creating underarm odour.

In addition to this, synthetic clothes are not as breathable as their natural counterparts therefore, again, the rate of evaporation is slowed down causing excess sweat and odour. Synthetic fibers are also known for holding onto these odours making them difficult to remove even after washing.

Variety is key

We like to change our minds a lot, we can’t help it! It’s ok to think one day that you look amazing in royal blue but the next day think it looks awful – we are all human and that’s just one of our traits. However, what we can do is be prepared for it so we don’t have a meltdown when it does happen. My advice is whilst shopping make sure your basket contains a variety of colours and styles so that way you won’t limit your choices.

Just because you have now found a solution that allows you to wear colours doesn’t mean you can no longer wear black or white

These will probably still be your comfort colours for a while, but it will be nice to know you can venture into the rainbow if you want to. Plus, the dandi patch also has the benefit of stopping those crusty white residues from forming on the sleeves of your black tops/dresses and it also prevents yellow underarm staining on your white items so now you can make your favourite black and white garments last longer!

I hope you have enjoyed reading my post and if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me via the dandi patch social media channels or via our website where we have a chat box:

Best wishes with your colourful journeys and remember if you would like any assistance with choosing the best colours and styles for you then Sara at The Image Tree is here to help you! Check out her Colour Confidence and Body Confidence services today.

By the way, we put Sara in the hot seat (pardon the pun) and asked her to try our Dandi Patch and you can see how she got on here

Finally, A Gift to You!

You can try dandi patch today and get 15% off your purchase by heading to and entering the code ImageTree15 at checkout.

#Practicalguide #SpringSummer #Summerholiday #Colour #PositiveBodyImage #Confidence #SaleOffer
