Sara Marsden-ShreeveDec 27, 2020Pimp Up Your Peepers!Your eyes are the windows to the soul, so give them some Colour Love and find out what makes them pop.
Sara Marsden-ShreeveOct 29, 2019The Winter Coat: Your Practical Buying GuideA coat is one of those investment pieces that you want to get right first time. So, here's my TOP TIPS .
Sara Marsden-ShreeveMay 30, 2019Know Your Swimwear Basics!Wait... Before you buy that cossie or bikini why not find out what would styles would be the most flattering for your gorgeous uniqueness?
Sara Marsden-ShreeveDec 27, 2018Why would YOU need an Image Coach?If you have no idea what I do or what The Image Tree is all about, then read on. You might find out I can help you too.
Sara Marsden-ShreeveJun 28, 2018Sweat Patches Be Gone!Find out how myself and my clients got on with an alternative product DANDI PATCH . that helps solve the problem of that sweaty pit look.